للإستماع للقصة على اليوتيوب إضغط هنا
إقرأ أيضًا The dove and the ant story إضغط هنا
once upon a time there was a beautiful peacock. and he knew
that he is beautiful . he always says to the animals "look at my tail .Has
anyone ever had such a beautiful tail?
my feathers are so gorgeous."
all the animals disliked it when the peacock behaved like
that. but he didn't care.
one day he came across a crane , he said to the crane "
hello crane. Have you see my feathers and tail? Are they beautiful ?"
the crane said " yes it is. "
The peacock said "I agree. it is the best"d
dislike your pale
tail. so colourless and boring. I on the other hand look like a king. "
the crane said "that may be so but can your lovely
feathers help you to fly? like I can ?
high in the sky? among the clouds and the stars? high enough
to see the beauty of the sea? "
I think not. you just stay here close to the ground like an
ordinary cock.
the peacock had nothing to say to the crane. he no longer
felt as proud of his feathers as he used. and he realised that there was more
to life than just looking beautiful.
تابعونا على اليوتيوب على الرابط التاااااااااااالي
على الفيس بوك على الرابط التااااااااااالي
على جروب الفيس بوك الخاص بالقناة على الرابط التااااااااااااالي
على جروب الواتس على الرابط التااااااااالي
على قناة التليجرام على الرابط التااااااااااالي
على تويتر على الرابط التااااااااااااااالي
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