دكتور. أبن سينا
Dr. Ibn Sina
Abu Ali Hussein bin Sina. Philosopher, physician and Islamic scholar in the fields of natural sciences and mathematics. He was born in 980 AD in Afshanah, near Al-Bukhari. He is considered one of the most influential figures in philosophy in the Islamic world and Europe in the Middle Ages. His books and discoveries in medicine were taught in European universities until the seventeenth century. Discover the genesis and understand the nature of infectious diseases. The first to distinguish the difference between internal paraplegia and external paraplegia. Explanation of cardiac arrest. He wrote more than 400 works, and published about 240 works. Among his most prominent works is “A Canon of Medicine: It is composed of five volumes, with a total of more than a million words. He died in 1037 AD, donated all he had.”
slave property.
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تابعونا على اليوتيوب على الرابط التاااااااااااالي
على الفيس بوك على الرابط التااااااااااالي
على جروب الفيس بوك الخاص بالقناة على الرابط التااااااااااااالي
على جروب الواتس على الرابط التااااااااالي
على قناة التليجرام على الرابط التااااااااااالي
على تويتر على الرابط التااااااااااااااالي
نتمنى لكم دائما دوام السعادة والتفوق
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